
January 26, 2021

Well, what can I say. I decided to open up this private chapter on my blog just for me – why am I doing that? I started to write diary when I was a child. It always helped me to cope with stuff, my thoughts and feelings, problems with my friends and family... And I became quite good in writing. So when I turned 18 and went abroad, I started my blog; I financed my trips and I could share my experiences with people - and I did it by doing what I've always been good at. And now I'm sitting here, writing to myself about how I've taken myself the best way to deal with my problems LOL

So now let's be honest, girl – I miss my parents. I'm sad that they can't deal with my life choices and that they never visit me here. How could I convince them to rethink stuff when they never get to experience the Naked City model? It's just a normal place, not very different to other ones! It's not like people invented a whole new world down here, it's just a different use of fabrics and less pointy shapes and everyone's in a better mood but whatever... they don't seem to care. At all.